Diputació de Girona i Patronat de Turisme


Details of the registration will be provided at


The pre-registration will be completed once teams make a payment of 50% of the total amount.

Official registration

Official registration to be done before February 28th 2024.

What's included?

Two nights in a hotel, diets and the intern trips during the tournament and a souvenir for each participating.


The hotels Ibis, B&B (1 & 2) -that will take in the players- are placed in a distance not farther than five kilometers to the pavilions (7 minutes).

+ info


All the intern trips will take place with our company buses (from the hotel to the venue and from the venue to the diet time and vice versa).
*Only for teams


It consists of breakfast (except from first day), luch, half-afternoon and dinner (except from last day).
It is necessary to specify special diets when doing the registration to the tournament.


Registration requirements

The registration fee is 255€ for each player and coach. Each team must reserve their spot in the tournament with a 50% pre-registration fee.

To book their place, teams must contact with

Teams are considered officially registered once they have made the first payment of 50% per team to the account number indicated on the “Payment” link. This amount is part of the total amount to be paid. The entry of the pre-registration must be carried out within 3 business days to certify the registration, otherwise, the organization reserves the right to withdraw the provisional entry list the team in question, which should resume the registration process. The first 64 teams to properly complete registration and make registration payment will be competing in the tournament.

The remaining amount of registration costs must be made before February 28th, 2025.

One month before the start of the tournament, each team must report the total number of participants and deliver the list, along with information on possible medical interventions and image rights for the tournament, previously signed by parents (download .pdf documents on the “Legal Notices” link). The organization will send an email as a reminder and the instructions to follow to prepare for participation in the Tournament.


The 50% pre-registration must be done to the following bank account:

ES88 0182 2770 9202 01663509 (BBVA)
ES33 2100 0190 5902 0025 7284 (CaixaBank)

*Specify as the concept the following information: Team name and category

To formalize registration, teams will need to pay the remaining amount (255€ per player and coach subtracting the initial 50% from the team total) pending in one payment before February 28th 2025, to the following bank account:

ES88 0182 2770 9202 01663509 (BBVA)
ES33 2100 0190 5902 0025 7284 (CaixaBank)

*Specify as the subject the following information: Team name and category

Legal warnings

Privacy Policy of Personal information data and the use of image of the participant

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that by completing this form you consent to give the personal data of registered players and coaches in the Costa Brava Girona Basket tournament 2025 which will be incorporated and treated in a personal file, owned by Girona Basket S.L. guaranteeing their security and confidentiality, used in order to provide and market our services, which is why you need to fill all fields in this form, attesting that the information given is correct and up to date. Please notify us any modification thereof. Furthermore, in accordance with the right to self-image regulated by Law No 1/1982 of 5 May, each person gives conformity with the publication of the images captured of the player, a minor, which may occur during the stay of Costa Brava Girona Basket tournament in 2025 in support of any company and for the legitimate activities of the Tournament.  Please note that you can exercise your rights of access when deemed appropriate, rectification, cancellation and opposition if communicate to us by email at / or by phone +34 606 29 28 53

It is mandatory that each parent/tutor/legal guardian sign the authorization form and that the person responsible for each Club hand-delivers them to us on the day of arrival at the competition.

Print this authorization.

Authorization for use of the bus and possible medical interventions

I give permission for my son to attend activities at the Costa Brava Girona Basket tournament 2025 and to use the bus for internal transportation at the Tournament. I extend this authorization to transfer my son, by the organizers of Costa Brava Girona Basket 2025, to a hospital and make surgical decisions that are necessary to adopt in case of extreme emergency, without first attempting to contact parents or guardians, under proper medical guidance, expressly waiving any claim or liability to Costa Brava Girona Basket 2025 or their organizers provided there is no negligence on their part, for injuries that may arise in the games that take place in the tournament, I assume this in whole, as well as any expenses that may arise .

Print this authorization.